Victoria Febus and her husband, Lou, reside in beautiful San Antonio, Texas. Together they pastor Standing in the Son, a church built on Loving God and Loving People. Both are graduates from Rhema Bible College in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma majoring in pastoral ministry. Both are busy completing the call God has placed on their lives. Lou is now retired and enjoys being a grandpa daily.
Victoria has been in ministry for 27 years mainly in church setting. For 16 years, she has ministered to Singles by teaching Sunday school classes and as Singles Pastor at churches. During this time, she served on mission teams traveling to South America and other major cities in the US. She thought she would remain single, but God’s thoughts and plans were higher than her own. She met her “Boaz” in 2009. One year later they were married as they agreed God had given them both the same vision.
Her love for ministry really took a change while in Bible college when the Lord called her to Children’s Ministry. Never dreaming of teaching little ones, she fell in love as she saw their little faces light up with God ‘s word. This ended up benefitting her once her and Lou opened their own church.
She has been a part of Tami Vandergrift Ministries for the last 4 years encouraging, strengthening, and pouring into women lives by teaching God’s word.